Videos of the Westview Dance Club
Westview Dance teacher Monique is demonstrating a Tango step called the Serpentine with a Westview Dance member.
In this video, instructors Erv and Eleanor are teaching a second year class a Waltz step. They start with the Hesitation Step and then Erv wraps her up into a Twinkle.
Cha cha
Two long time Westview members demonstrate their learning of the Cha Cha Combo.
Westview Dance Club instructors Erv and Elenor review and integrate the many Rhumba steps members have been taught. They begin with the Serpentine, then Change Places followed by the Wheel and they finish with an Underarm Turn.
In this beginner class, students are learning a basic Foxtrot step called the Promenade or the Conversation.
In this video, one member and the instuctor demonstrate a swing step called the Forward Progressive with Turns.